What could very well be causing your issue is that you used a webhost script to install WordPress in the first place and it could very well be causing issues with your BuddyPress installation – see https://codex.buddypress.org/getting-started/before-installing/#system-server where “WordPress should be installed manually i.e. via FTP, cpanel, etc. and NOT via webhost scripts which bring about numerous issues when BuddyPress is activated.”
It doesn’t work as well. I tried buddypress 1.5.5 on another domain. This time I install WordPress 3.3.2 manually via FileZilla.
I still encountered the same problem while installing ‘Site Wide Forums’ (bbPress plugin).
This is my site – http://www.backpackventure.com/
When I load http://www.backpackventure.com/forums/ , the page says ‘The forums component has not been set up yet.’ (I already setup during the buddypress installation)
And I get a blank page for the forum I installed – http://www.backpackventure.com/forums/forum/discussion/
Anyone has the similar problem?
Please help.
Per instruction in BP Codex, add shortcode `[bbp-forum-index]` to Show the forum index/archive or any/mix of shortcodes posted at https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/bbpress-20-shortcodes
Go to dashboard Pages > All and click on “Forums” then add the shortcode/s you prefer.
Start creating forums in dashboard Forums > New Forum and add topic/s to forums.
Hello Mercime,
Thank you for your support. It works!
I added the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] to my ‘Forums’ page. At first the forum didn’t show up until I remove the ‘Forums’ as the selected page at “BuddyPress > Pages > Discussion Forums > -None-.
Is it suppose to look like this — http://www.backpackventure.com/forums/ ?
Now I’ve a message displayed at the top of WP, ‘The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Discussion Forums. Repair’
Guess I just ignore it?
Please advice.
Yes, that’s the way it’s supposed to look for a default install. As for the message, you can disregard/ignore that for the meantime – that would be resolved in next bbPress version.
@mercime: Thank you very much for your support. Appreciate it!