12 years, 11 months ago
Hello, is there any way for me to edit or add a link on my buddypress profile menu? can I make it dynamic? i mean, can I make it same as the wordpress menu? Thanks here is the image http://imgur.com/YifrB
Theirs no backend feature like WordPress’ has for navigation menus.
However, this might help… http://bp-tricks.com/snippets/code/arrange-group-profile-navigation-menu/
thanks, it taught me in positioning, but what about adding a links on the menu?
Adding links to the profile nav can be done with the bp_core_new_nav_item() function.
Refer to Codex: https://codex.buddypress.org/developer-docs/functions/core/bp_core_new_nav_item/
Thanks, it wokrs!