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[Resolved] Install Buddypress without changes upon my main theme – Duotive 3

  • @fashionbleeker


    Hello Forum,
    I need your help.

    I have installed buddypress but I have a problem to complete the installation.
    Inside admin is shown the sentence:
    You’ll need to activate a BuddyPress-compatible theme to take advantage of all of BuddyPress’s features. We’ve bundled a default theme, but you can always install some other compatible themes or update your existing WordPress theme.

    I do not agree to change my main theme, really I have not understood if the theme compatible is required only for the box as written in the website page “Social networking, in a box”.

    My main theme is duotive.

    Thank you.

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  • @mercime


    You need to make your theme duotive compatible with BuddyPress by installing and activating the BP Template Pack plugin. Then proceed to dashboard menu Appearance > BP Compatibility and go through the compatibility process.



    Thank you for your replay
    I have install the BP Template Pack plugin and I have also activate it ….but I go to Appearance ….but I don’t see any BP Caompatibility ????
    Thank you for your reply



    BP Template Pack plugin does not work if BuddyPress is not installed and activated first. I had assumed you had done so before.



    Thank you mercime…
    Ok All is done … but I have some difficulty to understand the Fixing Alignment… I have find the page.php and this is the code inside, but I can’t understand what I have to change….because I can see the page (member, activity etc etc.) but everything is not aligned :
    Thank you again

    Edit – see page.php code below



    You’re talking about Step 3 then.

    There are two methods to make your WP theme compatible with BuddyPress, what you choose will depend on the current HTML structure of your WP theme:

    A. First method – changing 16 BP template files transferred to your WP theme folder during the BP compatibility process
    — Example using Motion theme:

    B. Second method – creating header-buddypress.php, sidebar-buddypress.php and/or footer-buddypress.php and adding to your WP theme folder which already contains the BP template folders after compatibility process.
    — Example using Twenty Ten:
    — Example using Twenty Eleven:

    All themes can use First Method but only some themes can use Second Method.

    If you need assistance in analyzing if you can use the Second Method for your theme, please post codes of your theme’s header.php, sidebar.php, index.php, page.php, and footer.php in respective pages.



    this is my page.php

    Is not necessary to modify only this ???





    You do not modify your theme’s page.php file at all. What theme are you using?

    Also, page.php has a full-width layout, is this the layout you want for all the BP template files?



    duotive three
    I do not want to change the duotive theme.
    I want to add all features of buddypress inside my duotive theme.
    Your help is very important for me.

    Thank you!



    Thank you for pointing out which duotive theme you are using.

    >> I do not want to change the duotive theme.

    I’m not saying to change your theme. I should have been more clear, the content in page.php shows that it’s a Page Template for a Full Width Page (no sidebar). The content in index.php shows it has a sidebar. Which layout do you want for all BuddyPress templates, the full-width page or the one with a sidebar? If you want the layout with the sidebar (per index.php), post the code of loop.php file from your theme.





    Looking over your theme, you will need to change 16 template files within the 6 BP folders transferred to your duotive theme in server during the compatibility process.

    If you’ve changed any of the BP template files in your theme folder, replace all of them by deleting the 6 BP folders in server – /activity, /blogs, /forums, /groups, /members, and /registration – then re-run Appearance > BP Compatibility

    Download the 6 clean BP folders to your computer hard drive. The changes we’ll be making are using the default layout (right sidebar) for the duotive theme.

    A. At the top of each of those 16 template files I linked to above, replace






    B. At the bottom of the same 16 files, replace:


    with the following (except for registration/register.php):



    with the following for registration/register.php:

    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
    if ( jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).length && !jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).hasClass(‘show’) )
    jQuery( ‘input#signup_with_blog’ ).click( function() {


    C. Save files. Upload 6 BP folders to your server wp-content/themes/duotiveThemeFolder

    D. You might also want to check out the style modifications made in BP Twenty Ten for reference.



    Ok solved 90%. Can I send an image to show the imperfection?
    …..because I do also the modification of style.css …I have copy the block on the website and paste at the bottom of the duotive-three style.css ….but nothing happen!!
    Another thing is …when I go for example to “My Account” > Setting > General ….I can’t see the page Member, but before my avatar image it is write:


    Maybe because I paste on the 16 files:

    `div class=”page”> without < `

    Let me know
    (Thank you so much you can’t image how your replies are important for me)



    You’re welcome. And, you are right, my bad. I’ve corrected the code above. Do add the less than symbol “



    Ok done.. thank you.. just a request, can I send a screenshot picture? I need to show you what I want to re-create.




    Because my problem now is that everything now go right, but the appearance is not like the stander buddypress …like I see here I make modification of style.css …I have copy the block on the website and paste at the bottom of the duotive-three style.css ….but nothing happen!!
    here you can see the changement :
    I need to see Activity,Message,Groups, etc … like TAB … Now all of this voice are a long vertical list and are not in orrizzontal ….
    Thank you again



    Standard BuddyPress is what you see at and not quite sure why you’re referring to the Twenty Ten and Template Pack plugin integration.

    Could be many reasons why the new styles are not being rendered in your site. Site URL?



    Website is close to public. Can I send you a screenshot picture?



    to understand better my request please look at here:

    I look forward to your reply.



    Go to Appearance > BP Compatibility and enable CSS and JS i.e., do not check the boxes to disable BP Template Pack’s CSS and JS.



    thank you because you are quite a mystic man for me considering your help.

    Done all as you suggested but we have some mistakes that we are not able to solve.. Can you help me?

    Thank you.



    Per post in previous page:
    D. You might also want to check out the style modifications made in BP Twenty Ten for reference.



    I already make modification of style.css …I have copy the block show on the link at the website and paste at the bottom of the duotive-three style.css ….but nothing happen!!
    What I have to do ?




    understood that is impossible to customize the layout of boddypress without integrate a theme compatible we have decided to keep active our theme duotive 3 because we do not to change the look that is very important for us.

    Please let me know if my following idea could be a good option.

    We want to insert a block/folder inside our duotive3 and inside this new block will be installed a buddypress theme working in a parallel way.

    I look forward to your reply.

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