just download buddypress in your Hard Drive and upload (ONLY) registration.php
nothing to re-install again!
Thanks will try this now.
Which folder do i upload it to?
I can only find the Register.php file and not the registration.php
iv uploaded that one and it is still missing
Do u know what you have deleted???
What files were you deleting?? Was you deleting your theme files ??
Hi There
I deleted just the wordpress registration page. So now when a user goes to login in it says page not found?
And you are not sure about the correct location of that file ???
“Once Again” What were you trying to delete ??? Your theme or what ?
I wasnt trying to delete anything apart from pages within wordpress I wasnt using. I had originally installed a shopping plugin but the pages still stayed on and I thought I was deleting the registration page for that but it was for the buddy press theme.
I never went into my FTP and deleted any files only deleted the page from wordpress back office.
Now I get a message saying that The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Search Page, Register. Repair
When I got to the buddy press page to repair it I cant?
Got it!
go to yoursite.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-page-settings (Or buddypress-> Pages in CMS)
There you will see an option of creating a new page for Registration…
just click on it and you will be sorted..
I just need to create the registration page again…..
HI there
That still doesnt work? I can create the page yes but not parts how to put the username, password phone number etc??
I have the same problem with my search page… I cannot create a new search page or Registration page? I tried that and all I get is this page?
Can you see that deleted page in Trash ????
There is a registration page which I restored but it is empty too? 
Where can I get the script for the registration page? Do you think there is a fault with the buddy press theme as it wont let me create a new search or registration page?
ohh thats great!
So what was the issue ???