I’m building a theme based on the Buddypress default theme.
I would like to remove the ‘Home’ button from the navigation menu which is created using wp_nav_menu.
I understand one way to do this is to replace the menu with a custom menu. However I would rather not use this solution as it would require me to manually build the entire menu on a site with a large and complicated page structure and alter it when I add or remove pages.
The menus created using wp_nav_menu automatically reflect any changes in the hierarchy, which would be a preferable solution.
I found a technique for removing the ‘Home’ button described here using this code in functions.php:
`function page_menu_args( $args ) {
$args = FALSE;
return $args;
add_filter( ‘wp_page_menu_args’, ‘page_menu_args’ );`
I have been unable to get this code to work although it seems others have had succes with it.
I wonder if this is because of the additional arguments added to the menu through the Buddypress theme which calls the menu using this argument in header.php:
`’fallback_cb’ => ‘bp_dtheme_main_nav’`
And adds the following in the default functions.php:
`function bp_dtheme_main_nav( $args ) {
global $bp;
$pages_args = array(
‘depth’ => 0,
‘echo’ => false,
‘exclude’ => ”,
‘title_li’ => ”
$menu = wp_page_menu( $pages_args );
$menu = str_replace( array( ‘
‘ ), array( ‘
‘ ), $menu );
echo $menu;
do_action( ‘bp_nav_items’ );
if ( !function_exists( ‘bp_dtheme_page_menu_args’ ) ) :`
Can anyone suggest a solution to this?