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[Resolved] Sidebar in BuddyPress pages not aligning correctly – Evolution theme

  • I have the BuddyPress Package for my site. The problem is when I click on activity, members, and groups the sidebar with the RSS feeds and everything gets pushed down the bottom and messes up my footer. I think its a CSS problem but how do I fix it? Here is the link

    I am using the Evolution 1.1 Theme. Buddy Press is not compatible and needs to be tweaked. It is telling me to go into the template files and look at the HTML of my page.php for my main theme and structure my BuddyPress pages to that structure. Well when I look at the files they look completely different and most of the div tags look the same to me.

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  • @mercime


    So is content with right sidebar the layout you want?

    1. Go to dashboard menu Appearance > BP Compatibility and click on Save/Finish.

    2. Have to see what method you need to use for Step 3 of the BP compatibility process.
    – Open up theme’s header.php, copy content, post on, click submit, and post the generated URI here.
    – Do the same for footer.php, index.php, page.php and sidebar.php

    Ok I copy and pasted all the php files. Here is the link.

    and yes the sidebar is suppose to be on the right side and not overlapping the other content. Thank you for your help again!



    @erica34 to complete the instruction today please post loop.php and loop-page.php in like you did with the other pages

    Posted loop-page.php. I don’t have a loop.php though.



    To make your theme compatible with BuddyPress, you only need to create two new files, header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php

    If you’ve revised any of the BP template files transferred to your evolution theme folder during the BP Compatibility process, please delete the 6 BP folders transferred to your evolution theme folder in server – activity, blogs, forums, members, groups, register – then re-run Appearance > BP Compatibility again to make sure that you have clean template files.

    A. Copy header.php and Save As > header-buddypress.php

    Open up header-buddypress.php and at the bottom of the file, below other code contained within, add this:


    Save file.



    B. Copy sidebar.php and Save As sidebar-buddypress.php

    Open up sidebar-buddypress.php and at the top, above all code contained within, add this

    Then at the bottom, below all other code, add this:

    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
    if ( jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).length && !jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).hasClass(‘show’) )
    jQuery( ‘input#signup_with_blog’ ).click( function() {

    [ @erica34 – updated code above to add script required]

    Save file.

    C. Upload header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php to your theme folder in server wp-content/themes/evolution/ at the same directory where your regular header.php and sidebar.php are in

    Final note: Copy over the stylesheet modifications to contain some BP elements to your theme’s stylesheet then adjust as needed.

    Got it fixed now. Thank you so so so much!!!!!!



    You’re welcome.

    Marking this as resolved then. Cheers :-)



    Hi. I am having a similar problem with my right sidebar alignment except that it’s being caused by the Buddypress plugin Group CSS which I’d very much like to use. I am using the Custom Community Pro theme. If anyone can help please respond or email and I can start a new thread on this subject (if I do I will come back and link to it here!) Thanks!



    @megart04 do start a new topic for your issue. Your issue is different than that of OP so do not add a link to your new topic here. Thanks.

    Hugo Ashmore


    @mercime lets start closing threads marked as resolved as I have been banging on about posting in others threads for two years – at least we can effectively turn some threads into read only.



    @hnla sounds like a good plan especially for topics posted from more than 6 months ago ago. We need a plugin to close forum topics automatically ala WPorg forums after a number of months/a year I think. Since group forums are moving over to bbPress plugin, then a plugin for a plugin :-)

    In the meantime, I need exceptions for theme compatibilty topics where a few users have even volunteered improvements to styles, structure, etc. among others. Come BP 1.7 or so with theme compatibility set up, I will make sure to close those topics.

    Hugo Ashmore


    @mercime we’ll have to see if jjj can pinch that plugin from :) auto closing of older threads would be good, but for those that we can directly attribute a thread [resolved] tag to we close them at same time?

    Hadn’t considered the theme compatibility threads needing to be open, but in regard of those it has struck me that really the main core of those threads ought to be removed and pasted into a codex sub page running under theme compatibility, so that you have a generic steps and code for a given theme conversion – users could still add updates etc to a codex page.

    Paul Wong-Gibbs


    bbPress 2 autocloses posts after a configurable period of time, so it’s got you covered.



    I have two questions.

    I’m using a child theme of Evolution and put all the 6 folders and sidebar-buddypress.php header-buddypress.php in the Child theme folder – it seems to work but is this the best practice?

    Also, what’s the purpose of the “jQuery(document).” stuff at the bottom of sidebar-buddypress.php? If I copy your code as is, I see the text starting with jQuery(document). actually on the pages. Shouldn’t there be some pointy bracket stuff before jQuery(document).

    Sorry for the lay terms, I’m not a programmer.



    I’m using a child theme of Evolution and put all the 6 folders and sidebar-buddypress.php header-buddypress.php in the Child theme folder – it seems to work but is this the best practice?

    the elemnts have been stripped and replaced from this page in above codes when changes were made to this site. In addition, there might have been some changes to the theme.

    Two choices:

    1. Open up your theme’s header.php, copy content, post on, click submit, and post the generated URI here. Do the same for footer.php, index.php, page.php and sidebar.php and I’ll go over the theme again and post the solution.

    2. If you have a new installation, you can download BP 1.7 beta 1 and install it. Deactivate BP Template Pack plugin and delete the 6 BP folders transferred to your theme folder in server. Unless the theme author has completely rewritten the WP templating system, you’ll find that the BP template files will automagically show up in your site. Some usual BP Settings configurations and some CSS tweaking and you’ll be good to go.

    Your choice 🙂




    Thanks. I opted for option 2. For the benefit of others, here’s what I did.

    (This was a new install)

    Deactivated and deleted BP and BP compatibility opting to remove files.
    Removed BP folders from child theme and header-bubbypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php. Thus making a clean start.

    Installed new BP beta.

    Theme worked perfectly without any tweaking. So far no issues.

    Many thanks.

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