After hours of puzzling this over, I finally ask a question in this forum, and then inspiration hits me.
Solved the puzzle with a simple margin-left:0; and position:absolute;
Rats! I thought I had it. Putting more widgets in the sidebar to test, another puzzle popped up:
By adding position:absolute; to the sidebar, it no longer increases the height of the content div if it’s longer. Back to the drawing board…
Have you tried one of the grid frameworks? I’ve used 960 fluid.
@pcwriter why don’t you just use percentages? If you have a fluid width and set the width of the negative margin-right and the content width.
For example:
div#sidebar {
width: 25%;
float: left;
div.content {
float: right;
margin-right: 26%;
The code above won’t work, but it’s to give you an idea!
Thanks for the suggestion. I had looked at some grid frameworks, but didn’t want to go that route for this theme. I’m keeping it in mind for future projects though.
Bingo! Silly me and my thick head I was working with fixed-width sidebars. Percentages didn’t even occur to me for them. Your suggestion got me going where I wanted to go with my fluid theme. Thanks a bunch!
@pcwriter Please, can you help me outline how you added your own sidebar. I will love it when you reply. I have been suffering over this issue for a long time now. Thanks buddy