99% of the time, each theme has a unique resolution for Step 3 of the BP Compatibility process. So no, the different codes we posted in https://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/wordpress-to-buddypress-theme/ for different WP themes.
Initial scan shows that for your theme, you only need to create two files to make the layout compatible.
Ok can you tell me what two file I need.
Open up your theme’s header.php, copy all, paste all at pastebin.com, click submit and post the generated URI here. Do the same for your theme’s index.php, page.php, sidebar.php and footer.php
Also either site URI or URI of theme demo
@aarc If you’ve revised any of the BP template files transferred to your musiclife theme folder in server during the BP Compatibility process, please delete the 6 BP folders transferred to your musiclife theme folder in server – /activity, /blogs, /forums, /members, /groups, /register – then re-run Appearance > BP Compatibility again to make sure that you have clean template files.
Ok every thing work except the Footer is on the right side of the page.
@aarc I didn’t notice that the code got messed up above before I left the forums, sorry about that.
Delete the current content of your sidebar-buddypress.php file. Replace it with the cleaned up code above and upload to server.
That was it you guys rock thanks.
You’re welcome. Yeah, gotta watch out where I put my closing backtick 
Marking this as resolved.