Right column spacing
I have seen this posted for another theme, but I’m working in the default BuddyPress theme. It looks like most everything is in functions.php and btw, I’m fairly novice.
My issue is the right column and images not being centered. They fall off the page and don’t appear to even center in the widget. In this case, i’m using the image widget/plugin.
My guess was to just try to widen the right column via the css in functions.php, but I’m not seeing it. I could be overlooking, though, so hoping for some guidance or suggestions to overcome this centering issue in the rt column. Not sure also if the padding is too high, possibly.
The styles.css points me to functions.php for pretty much any changes.
Thanks for any help.
Help on my last, pretty plz?
Also, is there a better theme to go with than the default? thx.
@discdemo site url would be good.
Sure! massagemommysfeet.com
Were you able to see the issue? thx.
@discdemo please don’t bump if less than a day as we’re all volunteers here living in different time zones. That said, I’ve checked out the site and the sidebar width is 224px less 40px padding = 184px space for the image. The ad you have there is 203px wide, hence the image was cut off.
About the available themes: if you upgrade to BP 1.7 beta 1 download at https://buddypress.org/2013/02/buddypress-1-7-beta-1/ you can use any WordPress theme which does not override core templating system and you’re good to go. Caveat is that only a few BP plugins have been upgraded for BP 1.7 beta 1 compatibility.
Greatly appreciate, mercime. Whenever you can take another moment, I’m just wondering where to locate the setting then, in this default theme. I haven’t been able to locate. tyvm for your time and volunteering. I’m most grateful.
I’m just wondering where to locate the setting then, in this default theme.
Not quite sure what you mean. But if you’re referring to something like a Theme Options page, there is none.
If you want to customize the BP Default theme to the max, you should create a child theme of the BP Default theme and upload the child theme in server wp-content/themes/YOURCHILDTHEMENAME/ so your revisions won’t be overwritten when BuddyPress is upgraded.
Thanks. Well, I’m just looking to find those pixel settings and padding of 40 you located. Just trying to make room for the image to fit, but as I continue to go through the theme files, I am not finding it. ty, again.
@discdemo if I understand your question well, the width of the large image should be maximum of 184px space remaining in sidebar, better yet, make it 180px.
I was actually hoping to widen the column by possibly adjusting the page layout. I might have missed a point u made if i cannot.
When you get time, can you just verify I cannot edit the percentage or pixels of the right column? I would like to widen it and don’t need as much space in the main portion of the page, to the left. That main body area. I’d like to slightly adjust those, unless of course, it’s out of reach for me. thanks for your time, mercime.
@discdemo referring you to what I posted at https://buddypress.org/support/topic/basic-margin-and-sidebar-adjustment/ adjust width of sidebar to taste.
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