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RSS reader for each member/group

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  • @mercime


    @brikou Group RSS with this plugin

    Btw, please upload your BP-compatible or BP child theme in wp-content/themes/ and not in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ Good that the latter way works for now, but that’s not the best practice.



    Thks @mercime,
    I didn’t know for the theme directory, good to know now 😉
    For the RSS feed, this is not exactly what I’m looking for.
    This is difficult for me to explain exactly what I want because of my poor english…
    I would like a sort of RSS aggregator in a new tab of profil user or groups, to display external RSS feeds (like the solution à mention above) and theire RSS URL would be entered by the user/group admin in the profil/groupd admin area…
    hope i’m clear :/




    For the RSS feed, this is not exactly what I’m looking for.

    it’s the only plugin that I know of that comes close to what you need. You’d either need to code one or hire a developer to do what you need.



    OK, thanks…
    I will see later if I can do something by my owne.
    And by the way, i will share it 😉

    Buddypress rocks!!!



    I’m creating a new RSS plugin to replace external blogs that will allow a group creator to attach RSS or a user to attach RSS to profile. Will be ready in a few weeks.



    Great news, @modemlooper. Any updates for us?? Really looking forward to seeing what you come up with! 🙂



    Haven’t had time to work on it yet.



    Sorry, didn’t see your answers.
    So after few hours, I did it.
    Simply use the plugin (thx @mercime)
    Then use a RSS parser
    The plugin structure is mainly the same, I use the admin area as base, then add a new tab if the group meta “feed-url” is not empty, an finaly load my rss parser function into the groups/single/plugins.php

    Add some php to fetch image in feeds thumbnail (if exists) or in enclosure link (if exists) or feeds content.
    The result is I expected. Largely copied on feedly 😉

    Here is what it looks for the moment:

    Hope this help!



    EDTI: it seems that something went wrong, my last answer has not been registered. So I past it again. (sorry)

    Sorry, didn’t see your answers.
    So after few hours, I did it.
    Simply use the plugin (thx @mercime)
    Then use a RSS parser
    The plugin structure is mainly the same, I use the admin area as base, then add a new tab if the group meta “feed-url” is not empty, an finaly load my rss parser function into the groups/single/plugins.php

    Add some php to fetch image in feeds thumbnail (if exists) or in enclosure link (if exists) or feeds content.
    The result is I expected. Largely copied on feedly 😉

    Here is what it looks for the moment:

    Hope this help!

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