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Send custom emails to members

  • @winnischneider



    I would need some help or ideas.
    We have a website for crafters which can post job offers on the site. In the moment if a job offer is posted anyone get a email notification. we want to change this that only those crafters get notified by email, who have the same profession like the offer ask for (for ex. plumber, electrician etc). Those profession are made by custom fields in the post and as well in the members registration form. There are also more professions possible.

    Anyone a nice code for this problem? Or any idea where I should start???

    Thanks for your help in addvance.
    All the Best
    Frank Schumann

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  • @venutius


    Hi Frank,

    You may be looking in the wrong place, how are these job offers created on your site? is it via a plugin or something more custom? Whatever it is, it will be this that is adding the notifications and it’s this code that will need updating to be more granular in how it sends it’s updates.



    Hi Thanks for your fast answer.
    The Joboffers aer created by WP User Frontend and the custom fields with ACF. So you mean the notification get finelly not send by the BP notification system?



    I’m pretty sure BuddyPress would not send those notifications automatically since BuddyPress only does that for internal components. So you must have some code making that happen. It’s this code that you would need to change.



    I checked again our system and finaly we use WPUF only to bring the Posts into the frontend.
    So what I called Job-offers is finaly a usualy post of wordpress.



    By default BuddyPress does not send out emails notifying users that a post has been published, this would have to be enabled somewhere, either via a plugin or via custom code.



    Ok I got it. sorry but see now that we use really a plugin called “notification” for this job.
    Its a while ago when I made this installation. But would it be possible to send a email to users from the wordpress side without plugin to members?



    I’d say ou either need to ask that developer if they can acommodate your requirement or you’d need some custom code written. Either way it’s not a BuddyPress question since it’s wp emails that we are talking about.



    Ok thanks very much. Anyway I found out that I was on a very wrong way.

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