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Send HTML in messages_new_message()

  • @michaelritsch


    Hi, i didn’t found any fittings solution for my problem, i hope you can help me out.

    I want to send a private message to one single User from my functions.php. This is just a kind of notification. Inside this message, i want to show two links and style it with some html tags like BR and Strong.. simple things…i thought.

    But then i realized that buddypress filters out everything :/

    $message = ‘This is the test<br>more like that.’;
    $args = array( ‘recipients’ => [$user_teacher], ‘sender_id’ => $user_user, ‘subject’ => ‘Anfrage ‘ . mre_get_full_name($user_user), ‘content’ => $message );

    $sending = messages_new_message( $args );

    I tryed to remove the ‘messages_message_content_before_save’ Filter from inside a bp-custom.php file and also inside of my functions.php… but nothing happens.

    Does someone know a solution for this?

    Wp version: 4.9.4
    Bp version: 2.9.3

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  • @michaelritsch


    I found only one user who find his solution…he modified the core… that’s not what i want to do. And this also brings some security issues.

    messages_new_messages not working with HTML content

    i really have to find a solution for this.



    Heres the link to the other users topic, he used the messages_message_content_before_save filter… but this doesn’t work for me.

    remove_filter( 'messages_message_content_before_save', 'wp_filter_kses', 1);


    (sry i can’t edit my own posts after a while..)

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