@astridwordpress You can enable HTML link in comments from setting >> discussion
Thanks for your reply, however I am wondering whether it is a good idea or not as I read something that it is easier to hack your website when you do this..
Furthermore I cannot find it in the setting > discussion page?
Hope you can help me! thanks.
@astridwordpress You can also moderate any comments.
Comment option specific setting is WordPress default
If HTML is enable, would that encouraging users to place links?
6 years, 8 months ago
I am developing a website where people can share their maps that they created in google maps. I would like users to share the embedded link in a comment however wordpress does not accept it. Is there another way to do this? Now I have to make them put the link in the visual window instead of the text window and convert it manually in order to see the map in a users comment. Any ideas would be appreciated!
My website name is http://www.sharinghiddengems.com