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  • @lph2005


    Sorry – this should have gone into the “How-To” Group … might want to move it …



    A search doesn’t bring up an answer – anyone know how to find this code?



    It’s great to see this site active – but (smile) – is the theme developer online these days to answer this question? I’d love for the forum topic list to be sorted into groups ….



    Is this code anywhere? I can’t believe I’m the only one interested in this code – it makes so much sense – to be able to sort the latest topics into groups …




    @LPH2005 – I haven’t seen code released to public, but seen it done by:
    @apeatling for
    @deanjrobinson for notice that his groups are categorized as well.
    Per Dean – “a custom forum loop inside a custom groups loop.”



    Couldn’t you create your own loop that calls the groups forums that you want. Then repeat it a few times for each group forum you want to list?

    if ( bp_has_groups( ‘slug=GroupName’) ) :
    locate_template( array( ‘forums/forums-loop.php’ ), true )

    Or what about the forum extra’s plugin?



    Now we are talking! Thank you both for information.

    Yes, I’ve seen the /grouped and that is why I asked about it. It’s the way the forum topics need to be shown on my site.

    Oooo … @deanjrobinson has done a SWEET job on

    Now – if only someone would share what they’ve done! It looks like Dean planned on a theme – but plans can always get off to a slow start :)

    @Modemlooper – well – I have the forum extra’s plugin and that gives an index. But the preference is to have the group shown with the latest topics below them (pagination necessary).




    I’ve been looking at your code and can’t seem to get the GroupName slug to match up with anything. Is the GroupName the URL? Or is it something else?



    Tried to modify /forum/index.php and insert slug=GroupName if statement and all of the topics are returned … so either the slug name is incorrect or the code … or the placement of the code … or … just too many options here.

    Guess this means BP devs should consider a better way to do this when bbpress becomes its own plugin acting in concert with BP (4th quarter of this year or so). This should just simply be an option.



    UGH. I’m getting so irritated that it’s time to leave the computer. There must be a way to get my site to work like It seems such a simple request. I can’t believe it isn’t an option or obvious. Nothing I’ve tried seems to work.

    Time for a break. Maybe someone with knowledge will take pity here and help.



    Here’s the short version.

    In [theme]/forums/index.php, do a conditional check for $bp->current_action == ‘grouped’. (Depending on the URL structure of your site, you might have to use $bp->action_variables[0].) In other words, the ‘grouped’ code should only be displayed if ( $bp->current_action == ‘grouped’ ).

    Then do a bp_has_groups loop for all the groups you want to appear. If that’s all your groups, you can just do bp_has_groups(). If you only want to do a certain number of groups, like on this site, do bp_has_groups( ‘include=4,5,6’ ) where 4, 5, 6 are groups that you want to include in the ‘grouped’ view.

    Then, inside the `while ( bp_groups() ) : bp_the_group()` loop, do a normal forums loop. Something like
    `if ( bp_has_forum_topics( ‘forum_id=’ . groups_get_groupmeta( bp_get_group_id(), ‘forum_id’ ) ) )`
    plus whatever arguments for max number, etc you want.



    I’m back: fed and rested.

    Thank you Boone for helping. I’m only looking for topics shown as sorted by group … So, let me repeat some of this back and see if my understanding was your intent.

    First, [theme]/forums/index.php is the file to edit.

    Second, if I only want topics sorted within groups then I can create a bp_has_groups() that includes the while statements you suggest.

    Third, thank you (again!) for the short version. I’ll see what I can do to try to figure this out.

    In the meantime, if someone already has code to share then please feel free to post.



    Yippeee ! LOL

    OK. All emotion aside – I’m almost there!

    There needs to be some ways to limit the number of topics shown.

    Boone, I almost did what you suggested but decided to copy the table code from the /forum-loop.php directly into the index.php file rather than calling the forum-loop.

    Also, the code for limiting to only certain groups isn’t working for me. I must be doing something wrong there.

    Here is what is online right now (and almost works!)



    I told you to use include= but I realized that you can’t pass multiple groups into bp_has_groups() in the 1.2 branch. My bad.

    So you might want to try @modemlooper‘s advice. The group slug is whatever shows up in the URL as the group name. For example, a group with URL has the slug i-am-awesome. You should be able to get that group only by using the following:
    `if ( bp_has_groups( ‘slug=i-am-awesome’ ) )`
    Then, as Modemlooper says, you’d have to do it a couple times for each group. Or better yet, make an array and loop over it:
    `$groups_to_show = array( ‘i-am-awesome’, ‘i-am-cool’, ‘bodacious’ );
    foreach ( $groups_to_show as $g ) {
    if ( bp_has_groups( ‘slug=’ . $g ) ) {
    // do all your group-specific stuff here



    Thank you but I can’t seem to get

    if ( bp_has_groups( ‘slug=announcements’) )

    to do anything for me. It’s just ignored … hmm.

    In contrast, I can get max=5 to work

    if ( bp_has_groups( ‘max=5’ ) )


    These are the options:

    But slug doesn’t seem to work for me.



    Done. Fixed the css and child theme so that the tutoring area looks acceptable.

    Here is the code in case someone else is interested. This is the [child-theme]/forums/index.php file

    Hope this helps.

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