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Show or Hide Field Based on Match in Another Field

  • a3132


    Okay, I have learned to use code to show profile fields on different parts of the page. But I was wondering if it were possible to show or hide one field based on whether the profile member and the member viewing the profile were a match in another field.

    For example, could I:

    show the field favorite color if a man is viewing a woman’s profile or a woman is viewing a man’s profile – but – hide the field favorite color if a man is viewing a man’s profile or a woman is viewing a woman’s profile?

    By the way, thanks for the support forum. It’s been a lot of help.

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  • clickallco


    Should be pretty easy with something like this. This would only work if they’re logged in and have chosen to fill out the field on whether or not their a man or a woman though.

        	global $bp;
        	$user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();
        	$details = xprofile_get_field_data( 'profile field name', $user_id, $multi_format = 'array' );
    	if ( ! empty ( $details) ) {	
    	  // if the field isn't empty, show this code
            } else {		
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