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Showing BuddyPRess hidden group forums to group members on bbPress forum index

  • @louisedade


    I don’t know if this is the correct behaviour, or if I fudged-up somewhere.

    My installation set-up:

    WordPress 3.9.1 / bbPress 2.5.4 (site-wide forums) / BuddyPress 2.0.1 (group forums)

    Besides the regular bbPress site-wide forum, I have three group forums, 1 public and 2 hidden, all three are under a group forums parent (which is actually a forum ‘category’).

    Everything works ok, except for some weirdness about group visibility on the main forum index page (using the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode).

    The public group is visible to all users on the bbPress forum index page, which is as it is supposed to be.

    If you are a Keymaster or Moderator you can also see the hidden groups on the forum index (and latest topics/replies widgets etc). You can not access them unless you are a member, though (as expected).

    However, if you are a Member of one of the hidden groups (even if a group Moderator or Admin), but a forum Participant, then you do not see the group listed on the forum index. You do see it listed on the Groups page and in your profile, as expected.

    Is this expected behaviour? Or did something go wrong somewhere?

    If this is expected, is there a way I can override it? I’m guessing it would mean overriding the bbPress function with somthing custom that interacts with the BuddyPress groups functions?

    What I want is:

    – Hidden Groups to be visible to all members of that group on the forum index.

    – (Less important) Hidden groups to NOT be visible to Keymasters/Moderators who are not members of the group.

    The group membership is assigned and members won’t necessarily know they are in a group. Having the group forum listed on the forum index (only if they are a member) would make things easier for them.

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