Doesn’t the forums extra plugin allow this?
@modemlooper only on group forum topics/posts
but if someone is using the group forum extras signature plugin – the data is stored in get_userdata under signature which you could use this internal function to retrieve it
bp_forum_extras_signatures_fetch_user_signature( $passintheuser_id )
@nuprn1 Thank´s, but something is wrong with my add_filter code, and I need your help to fix this… 
i’d go with appending the sig within the templatetags instead of updating (what if they changed the sig after posting an update?)
ie, on the filter bp_get_activity_content_body
@nuprn1 Yes, your right with the filter bp_get_activity_content_body!
But I am very interested in why this code does not work: -.-
Perhaps someone can tell me my errors(?). 
the code in the paste bin does not reference a valid filter or action hook.
is a function hooked on the action wp_ajax_post_update
you would need to drill down to bp_activity_post_update or groups_post_update – depending on the object type
my problem is solved! thanks! 
You could explain it a bit more? Because I was wondering how to do exactly the same, and i’m not an experimented coder