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Single Topic Forum? Or Alter Activity Feed to Take Image Uploads? Maybe Widget?

  • @lookingahead



    I only want one topic per forum. Just one.

    And that single-topic forum? It will be attached to a hidden group.

    So I’m looking for….a way to bypass the screen that lists “topics” in a forum; there will only be ONE topic PER forum, so having that screen there is unnecessary and confusing to my forum participants. And creates “click fatigue.” They should be able to get to the group front page, click “Forum”…then be brought to the discussion on the only topic that that forum will ever be tied to.

    And each group’s topic will be different. But ONLY one topic per forum, per hidden group.

    Note: I’ll eventually be creating hundreds of individual hidden groups….so I do not want to have to go in and hand code the direct link to the single forum topic for each of these groups, just to bypass a page, each time….

    Soooo……I want the flow to be:
    – [click on ‘My Groups’ which is right next to ‘All Groups’ — it’s at that page]
    – [I then see a group link, in list of groups….so I click on a desired group]
    – [get to that group’s front page]
    – [click on ‘Forum’ option there]
    – [***NOW I should see no other things to choose from — there are no other topics that will be in this forum, so I should not be brought to a page with a list of topics to choose from; instead, I am immediately brought to a discussion, which is a discussion that is covering the only topic that that group is ever going to discuss]

    HOW do I achieve this….???

    I was looking for a widget that was a “discussion” widget that I could use to customize the group front page, but never found one.

    And the “activity stream” is littered with an RSS feed and a search bar, and it doesn’t allow for uploading pictures (WHICH IS CRITICAL)….forums allow to upload pictures. So I’d just use the Activity Stream if it was feasible, which it appears to not be. But hell — if that was easier to modify than skipping a forum ‘topic list’ page….let me know that too, please.

    Thanks in advance for all your assistance. I’m losing my mind over this project, lol…..HAAALLLPPP, hahhaa…PLEEEASE…. 😀

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  • @lookingahead


    P.S.: I’m using bbPress with BuddyPress….

    And when I mentioned (above) that an alternative solution could be using the activity stream to “allow for uploading pictures,” I’m referring to the ‘updates’ (comments) people make that are made ~directly~ on the group front page.

    So what I was trying to make happen was that group members would be able to include pictures in their direct updates to the group ‘wall’/front page.

    I’m not referring to updates that they make in forums elsewhere on the site that populate in the Activity Stream automatically. 🙂

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