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Site GONE after Buddy Press updgrade!

  • @nigdowser


    I’m using WP3.5 with BuddyPress 1.6.3. The site I installed BP via the plugin update method. It ran for a while, told me it had activated it successfully but now the site is completely broke as in the following:

    1. The back end only shows the menu. There is nothing which comes up in WP admin at all, other then the menu just a blank page. There is no admin bar at the top

    2.The site itself now has no posts, forums, or blogs. All content is now missing!

    I have tried adding memory per but no luck.

    Error logs on my server setup needs to be activated and lasts just a week at a time. So, that doesn’t work for me.

    Please help with some ideas I can use!

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  • @nigdowser


    In addition, I now get the following error message:

    Fatal Error:Call to undefined function bp_get_groups_root_slug() in /home/*******/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-toolbar/buddypress-toolbar.php

    The whole site is just junk at the moment…. please help!



    Rename /wp-content/plugins/buddypress-toolbar/ folder to something like /wp-content/plugins/buddypress-toolbar-xxx/



    Wow! Thanks for that! Do I have to rename the buddypress-toolbar folder back to what it was or should I leave it as it is?

    Thanks again!

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