hello again
I just noticed that every index.php file has this at the end:
You most likely have a trojan on your computer that stole your FTP passwords. If you are on a windows PC take a sledge hammer to it and get a MAC. <– just kidding. You should run some anti-virus and change all your passwords ASAP.
Only way your files can get written to is by someone getting your FTP passwords or has access to server. That is easily done if you get a virus/malware on your computer. Is somebody else accessing the FTP on another computer? Also, bad themes and plugins can do this as well. NEVER use a plugin or theme that was not from a reputable developer or from the WordPress repo.
It is a shared hosting.. .
plugins :
akismet,bp-album,buddypress,buddypress-links,buddypress-registration-groups,buddypress-sliding login panel,category-post,exlude-pages,inbox-widget,post-highlihts,private-buddypress & wp-fb-autoconnect
I dont thinkt that this plugins can do this.
@modemlooper is this just a virus for accessing the ftp passwort?
A friend told me that he 1 times used windows on hic pc to connect to that site.
the log file on your sharing server, my guess shared sever is your problem.