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slug – redirect – error

  • @gnoric


    Hi guys,
    I know this question has been covered like 100x but no answer was satisfactory 4 me.
    The Issue is, when setting a Front page different from BLOG in the WP reading menu, I get the “too many redirects” error.
    I figured out 2 ways of solving this, either disabling the Buddypress plugin, or changing the permalinks to default.
    Unfortunately those solutions do not really help me. I am using strreplace when displaying the menu, to substitute myEHSuser to so I cannot use the permalinks fix. And since Buddypress is a core requirement of the customer, I cannot disable it.
    If there is no other way, we would leave it the way it is, using the blog page as front page, though we would much prefer to use a custom front page.
    Any ideas, how I can fix this?
    All help is appreciated
    supposed homepage:

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  • @mercime


    == The Issue is, when setting a Front page different from BLOG in the WP reading menu, I get the “too many redirects” error. ==

    @gnoric Create a special WP template file named home.php, add content you have in /home/, remove the Home page you created before, and upload home.php to your current theme folder. Whatever content/code you place there will automatically show up in home page.

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