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Social open macro & micro-blogging with BuddyPress

  • @gouessej



    I currently use and I plan to switch to if necessary (which is highly probable in my case).

    I would like to “socialize” WordPress. BuddyPress seems to be the right WP plugin for that. I would like to have a contact list, each contact would be identified with OpenID. I would define some rules of files access like I do under GNU Linux / Unix in order to set different visibilities for my contents. Contacts could be put into groups. I would grant (read and write) privileges to all, some groups or some users. The GUI frontend would be able to treat 403 HTTP errors in a smart way (hiding contents you’re not allowed to see instead of showing an error message).

    It’s time to speak about a typical use case. My blog contains some photos and some articles, I want to show some of them to everybody, I want to show some of them only to my family and my best friends but not my colleagues, I want to show some of them to all logged users but not everybody and finally, I want to show some of them to … nobody. The members of my family can use OpenID but almost none uses WordPress and I don’t want to force my close relatives to use it.

    Is there any existing plugin for that? I started to look at which Apache modules I could use to implement these features (mod_authz_groupfile or mod_authz_dbm, mod_auth_oid, mod_ssl, mod_parp, …) but I don’t want to reinvent the wheel if there is already a working solution for me. The WP plugin Groups that allows content access control doesn’t allow to add users not on WordPress into any group as far as I know.

    Best regards.

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  • @gouessej



    There are already several tools to restrict access based on user roles, for example Members, Advanced Access Manager, Restrict Content, Page Security, Maven Member, User Access Manager, WordPress Access Control, Role Scoper, Press Permit, … However, none of them allows to restrict access of users not logged as WordPress users but with OpenID.




    Actually, WordPress isn’t designed to become a decentralized social network even though BuddyPress is quite good. Anyway, this article written by Jeff Sayre is a great source of inspiration:

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