without wordpress there would be no buddypress. Buddypress only works on wordpress my dear
ah come on…i need more serious response
@ganesi Buddypress is a plugin for a wordpress blog. Once activated on the wordpress blog, BP components/features/functionality will only fully work if you have a theme that is compatible with the Buddypress plugin.
The buddypress plugin comes with a default theme you can use. And that is a Buddypress default setup, I think that is what you might be refering to as “standalone” bp. its not really standalone, it’s a theme that comes with the BP plugin that you enable first then activate the BP plugin.
the buddypress plugin itself is a suite of “plugins” including the forums. Once you have a bp ready theme and buddypress plugin activated you can then activate the forums component(“bbpress plugin”) in the bp admin. once you have the forums activated you can then add additional features to your BP-forum by way of more Bp forum specific plugins. phew.
hope that helps, i kinda confused myself for a minute there. that’s a lot plugins on plugins crisscrossing there.
=== i need more serious response ===
@nahummadrid said it straight and clear, there’s no BuddyPress without WordPress. There’s no standalone BuddyPress. BuddyPress is a WordPress plugin.
@nahumadrid, now you can understand the confusion I got Anyway thank you for explaining
what I meant as “standalone” BP is the one used with WPMU. In my case, I’m using BP plugin for WP (not WPMU). Things that I still dont know is the way to setup BP-forums. I can’t find it anywhere inside WP Dashboard . There is no particular setting-page for BP-forums, let say to add forum and sub-forum etc
the other thing I need to know is whether I can use BBpress plugin for BP-forums? If yes, where should I install it? If no, is there any particular plugin for adding functionality to BP-forums?
@mercime, yes I understand that