sidebar is part of your theme. The edit.php (members/single/profile/edit.php) template file doesn’t contain a sidebar, but a form. And this form goes into any theme who has a place for “content” (usually it is the main content).
If you don’t want a sidebar on the member page or on the profile, you can add a conditionnal on your (child)theme sidebar.php or around the call to sidebar you can find in almost all your theme files.
The thing to search is get_sidebar
which calls the sidebar template.
Note that BP use mostly to “page.php”, so if your theme has such a file, it is where to start. You already know the way to BP’s template doc. More about this on WP codex:
No, I understand it doesn’t have it. Well, it’s not even the sidebar. It’s the navigation for the profile pages. I wanted to see if there’s an override for the edit page like there is for a good bit of other ones in the hierarchy. I know I can take it off of home.php, but the issue is that it takes it off all the profile pages.