The page refreshes when I comment. Help!
Sounds like your theme has javascript errors in it somewhere. You’ll want to track them down and eliminate them.
Your questions so far have given me the impression that you’re quite new to WordPress web development (modifying plugin files, not knowing how to debug javascript, etc…) If this is the case, you’ll have a better experience by searching the web for similar problems, and solving some of these issues on your own.
Also, words like “Help!” or “URGENT” don’t actually make anyone help you sooner than anyone else around here. Most volunteers will jump in and help who they can, when they can, — if you appear manic, it decreases the investment someone is willing to make in you, your site, and your topic.
Hoping to not sound discouraging. We’re excited you’re using BuddyPress, and want you to enjoy our community to its fullest.
Thanks for ur reply John!
Sounds like your theme has javascript errors in it somewhere. You’ll want to track them down and eliminate them.
Your questions so far have given me the impression that you’re quite new to WordPress web development (modifying plugin files, not knowing how to debug javascript, etc…) If this is the case, you’ll have a better experience by searching the web for similar problems, and solving some of these issues on your own.
That’s true, I have hired a web developer to design my website and he is done now with developing the website and now I found some problems I am trying to fix them on my own that’s why I am asking too many questions these days.
Also, words like “Help!” or “URGENT” don’t actually make anyone help you sooner than anyone else around here. Most volunteers will jump in and help who they can, when they can, — if you appear manic, it decreases the investment someone is willing to make in you, your site, and your topic.
Hoping to not sound discouraging. We’re excited you’re using BuddyPress, and want you to enjoy our community to its fullest.
No I understand you, I am already an admin on a big forum which has around 27K members and alexa rank around 35K and veryday I face members who ask questions like this ( like me 😀 ) and I know it won’t help but the previous question when I said urgent I was really afraid that all the data in the website has been lost because I didn’t have backup since around 2 days and I added so much stuff int the past couple of days and in this question I just was mentioning it’s a question by saying “Help!” and nothing more
Thanks again!
I think your first priority ought to be establishing and verifying a good backup strategy don’t you? try Vaultpress.
and he is done now with developing the website and now I found some problems
Then he isn’t done is he? I never understand statements like this, you have what sound like fairly severe issues, if I handed off a development I would expect to be asked back to fix issues like you are reporting.
As for actually helping you it’s going to be very difficult as we have little real detail from you, so as John says you’ll need to try some basic debugging to and isolate the issue a bit.
Thanks for ur reply Hugo!
Yes he is done with the development but if I wanna add Buddypress forum after he is done it’s not his job anymore or I mean free job. I was using forums and he installed it later I decided to move to a better forum like BuddyPress that’s why now it’s my duty to do the work. I have asked him for help about this but it’s taking too long for him to reply now and I can’t always wait him to reply for each issue I face that’s why I have to try to solve them on my own.
And yes I don’t have a good knowledge about CSS or javascrip or other programs but I have some knowledge that may help me to solve the problems I face that’s why the only way for me is to ask my questions here and if you need any more details I am ready
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11 years, 7 months ago
I am new installing the buddypress on my website and when I try to comment on any activity in a member’s profile the page directly refreshes and I can’t comment
any help guys?