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The user Dashboard (extending)

  • @ezd



    I really like the new user dashboard (<USERNAME>/dashboard) and I think it opens up to new possibilities/new features which can be put in. I was just thinking of some things on how to extend it a bit further to make it even more informative, now and in the future. Feel free to add/comment.

    – Recent Visits (Lists x number og users who visited my profile. It could list these users with their username, profile thumb picture, visit date/time and their username/thumb picture links back to their individuel profile)

    – My album (Recent Album and Pictures (shows thumbs), Picture Wire Comments) once that album features has been integrated in bp

    – Latest Activity (Sorting: ‘Me and my Friends’, ‘Only Me’ or ‘Only Friends’) fast-switch like on Facebook

    – My Wire, Recently Active

    – My Groups, Recently Active

    – My bookmarks (Places/Profiles I’ve bookmarked/tagged which I find interesting. If I have a bookmarked user I can see if that user is online and their status update. Status updates which is coming to bp)

    Also, it would be nice if the Dashboard could be wigetized in the future.

    I hope the whole Dashboard page can be put into the default bp-member theme in the next version. Being a part of it.

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