== I am not sure if i can get away with the creation of the three “-buddypress.php” files or if I need to modify the 16 files and which code I need to copy. ==
@ahmedselim IT all depends on the HTML structure of your WP theme. You just cannot copy the code given for other themes because each has distinct structures and in all probability, not applicable to your theme’s. Have you looked if your theme is listed among the template-packed themes at https://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/wordpress-to-buddypress-theme/#template-packed-wordpress-themes
@mercime Thanks, I just checked the link and my template is not listed there… so my assumption is that I will have to modify all the files, correct?
@ouyagamingsource please create a new topic and move the information/questions you posted above which are not related to the subject matter at hand over there.
@ahmedselim open up your theme’s header.php file, copy all code, paste in pastebin.com, click submit, and post the generated URI here. Do the same for your theme’s index.php, page.php, sidebar.php and footer.php files. Initial scan looks like you only need to create two files for BP compatiblity, but have to see the files first.