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theoretically, is it possible to do this?

  • @thatmtnman


    Dear Forum,

    I’ve been following BP for what seems like years now-its a great project!

    Here is what I want to know…is it possible, can the ‘wall’ feature of say a ‘Facebook’ be built using BP? I know BP has an activity thread, but that must remain off somewhere on its own, it can’t be on a page with other widgets and or embedded into a normal WP page…imagine if you could have content, and around the content would be the activity wall…how cool would that be?

    Or can it?


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  • @djsteveb


    @thatmtnman – should be pretty easy to put widgets around the activity stream, and so to have content around the activity wall as you are saying.. individual member profiles have an activity stream, and you can change content around the profiles with some theme coding – so I’m pretty sure bp already does what you are asking about right out of the box..

    Maybe I don’t understand what you mean by content around activity similar to facbook, I’m not an f-book expert.





    Here is how I did that…

    similar to facebook, with likes etc. but functions like the “like” buttons and replies only show to logged in members.

    I have a demo account if you want to check it out




    wow! Yeah, that is so cool…I am dying to see how you did it. I want to mix the content though. So imagine a newspaper story, with its own activity feed under it. Right column being like yours with perhaps ads etc.

    How is the load on your servers? I’m a bit worried that BP might not be able to handle a high traffic site…

    I love what you’ve done…I’ll check out the demo!

    Thanks and cheers!



    opps…the site is not taking the password 🙁



    djsteveb-thank you for the reply. I thought it would be interesting to put an activity stream under different kinds of content. But also wanted the page to look more ‘Facebook’ than ‘CNN’ if you know what I mean.

    thank you for the help!



    @style960…similar, but the page you referred me to is a paid plugin.

    But thank you for the response.




    @thatmtnman – sounds to me that you just have not played with a few different themes and changing some widgets – that would do about everything you are saying from what I gather. Should be pretty easy to come up with what you are talking about with just some basic theme modifications – a little css color changes and different widgets in the sidebars.

    “dying to see how you did it” – I think the site you are talking about just added a bbpress forums plugin and added some topics to the sidebar.

    “BP might not be able to handle a high traffic site…” – handles a small site on a shared server fine – handles a site with 10,000 members on a dedicated server just fine (even sharing that dedicated with a dozen other wp and wp-multisite and bunch of other fair traffic sites – so I don’t think that would be an issue.



    sorry, password is: demouser

    I hope it shows a bit more then just a bbpress forum thats added,
    Took me a long time to add the custom functions, especially the profile pages and activity.

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