You might want to check out BuddyStream. It allows your users to send updates to Twitter. But if you want _all_ your activity tweeted you’ll have to do some tweaks.
Let me know.
@billieTS I use the RSS of the activity stream and use an RSS to twitter streaming service to automatically tweet everything from your stream
thank you guys for your replies 
both are great ideas…
i have started using @ultimateuser way for now but would love to know how to tweak BuddyStream as @abysshorror suggested.
@billieTS @ultimateuser no I want to know how to do the RSS thingy
could you point me out in any direction ?
i’m using or you can use a simpler set up for your activity stream rss feed url.
i’m using feedburner cuz i can setup wordpress to make the feedburner tweet my activity stream feed in real time
twitter feed is easier to setup and will update every 30mins up to 5 tweets at a time