Ugly links and previews do not work when Settings / Reading / Front page = static BuddyPress page
Ugly links (/?p=N) and previews do not work when Settings / Reading / Front page = static BuddyPress page in BP 1.5.1 and WP 3.2.1, default BP theme.
I reported a bug on Trac (#3747), but would also like to check on this forum. Maybe somebody has a advice on this issue?
1) Settings / Reading / Front page = Activity page
2) Create a new page
3) Click previewNow, the Activity page shows, not the content of the new page. The web address bar reads:
4) Publish page
5) Edit pageNow, preview works.
6) Add an ugly link to page content, test page
7) Publish / update page
Got to page, and click on “test page”
Now, the Activity page shows, not the “test page”
9) Change Settings / Reading / Front page = a not BP page or Your Latest Post
10) Previews and ugly link work11) Change Settings / Reading / Front page = Forums
12) Preview a page in draft statusNow, this error shows “This webpage has a redirect loop” (Chrome).
Tested on a plain BP install, no other plugins than BP 1.5.1
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