@jpc-solutions what have you done so far to resolve this? Have you tried changing to Twenty Twelve theme or BP Default theme to check if it’s a theme conflict? Have you deactivated plugins batch by batch except BuddyPress to check which is causing the issue?
I started disabling plugins. Turns out this one: Background Manager, was the culprit. I completely removed it and it’s working fine now.
Thanks for the kick!
@jpc-solutions Thanks for posting back with the culprit plugin. Glad you have this resolved.
11 years, 9 months ago
I have the BuddyPress Activity Stream enabled on my site. When I click on Comment, the comment window opens for a split second and then the page refreshes, and the comment window closes. I have disabled all additional BuddyPress plugins, and left BuddyPress to work on its own.
As this limits the ability for my visitors to comment, I could really use some assistance here.
Any suggestions?
Link to site: http://jpcsolutions.com/portfolio/azeverything6/everyone
Wordpress Version: 3.5.1
Buddpress Version: 1.7.2