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Unban from Group?

  • @skyrie


    If I “Kick and Ban” a member from a group, how would I unban them? There doesn’t seem to be an option for it anywhere.

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  • @shanebp


    You need to use /wp-admin/admin.php?page=bp-groups
    Select the group >edit, scroll down to Manage Members, and change the Role for that member.



    @shanebp Thanks, but that’s for an admin and I’m talking about regular members. If a member creates a group and then bans someone, they can’t unban them since that member is kicked and thus removed from the members loop. I think this might be a bug.



    @skyrie I think you have a good point here, just been running quick test logged in as a general WP subscriber with ability to create a group and having done so naturally become it’s admin and effectively ‘owner’

    Banned a member and as you point out and although as we have things setup we can unban after banning you can’t from the frontend and as things are set the groups backend admin is locked into the WP admin role, for reasons I can understand it has to be locked into a role with fairly high perms even though the subscriber does have limited access to backend. What would be nice is if the subscriber could see just the group that they created in the backend.

    Regardless not being able to unban from the frontend is an issue, or effectively unless a site admin not being able to unban period is a massive issue!

    I think we need to raise a ticket on this and see what can be done.



    @hnla I agree, especially since a lot of BuddyPress sites (including my own) prohibit a user from seeing the backend at all. We need an option in the actual frontend for the admin of a group to be able to unban, perhaps with a list of banned members. Right now my users have to contact a member of our staff to get someone unbanned from their group, which they shouldn’t have to do.

    I’ve raised a ticket for this issue:

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