It’s your text length, likely , but can’t recall, that the truncation is done by word not characters? You’ll probably need to set a min-height on those elements @ ~130px
It’s because the number of words/characters in the excerpts are not the same. Since you’re using a child theme of premium Genesis theme, I suggest that you get the free support included in your purchase of the theme/child theme and inquire about how to increase/decrease number of words/characters in the featured excerpts. While you’re there, might as well get find limits for the title for featured articles as well since there could be times where your post title would be longer than one line.
An alternative would be as simple as making changes to your stylesheet to set the height of the featured article containers so assuming you’ve got the same number of articles on the left as well as on the right, all will be leveled to same height. In your case, add something like this to your child theme’s stylesheet:
`#content .featuredpost .post {
height: 150px;
position: relative;
`#content .featuredpost .post a.more-link {
position: absolute;
bottom: 5px;
right: 5px;
Adjust height of `#content .featuredpost .post` to taste.
EDIT – @hnla, here I go again, took too much time to answer the question 
Thanks for the rapid response.
how to increase/decrease number of words/characters in the featured excerpts.
That’s controlled in the widget, I currently have both columns set to “140”
While you’re there, might as well get find limits for the title for featured articles
That’s under limit title to __ characters
I will try the mod and post the results here 
How does this look now on ?
I had to fix the bottom one since the recommendations put the bottom Featured article all out of wack.
Would there be a way to isolate the bottom feature to have unique dimensions?
Those two columns look fixed and good.
== the recommendations put the bottom Featured article all out of wack ==
Don’t know what you mean, only bottom article I see is “Kline’s Korner” and it doesn’t look out of whack.