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unwanted popup face on site

  • @websitevala


    From today i have a critical problem on site
    i face a popup on site in everywhere when i login to account and click on text box that time popup will be open
    i don’t know how
    i used WP 3.3.2 and BP 1.5.5 and some plugin releated BP
    what is problem ? is attacked by hacker ? or something else ?
    Help me please

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  • @hnla


    Sounds like you’ve been compromised then, but little we can do to help based on the info you have supplied and this forum isn’t probably the best place to be asking really.

    You need to investigate and you should by now have taken your site down from public access, changed all your login details; WP logins FTP/SSH then you need to start looking at your files and server logs – have you started any of that yet?

    For security issues you will probably be better off posting on the WP forums.



    Thanks for fast reply
    yes i post on wp forum also
    and i also change wp admin detail and all other related with admin detail i changes all of
    but no result
    now what i do for resolve this ?



    What result did you expect? changing logins and taking your site down do not cure anything they are basic principles you must follow in advance of sitting down to examine those items I mentioned above.

    You change logins so that you ensure if your passwords have been hacked then that entry point is closed immediately to prevent further exploits from happening, you take your site off line so poor hapless souls don’t visit your site and possibly pick up some nasty infection.

    I would also contact your hosts tech support, often they can help.



    thanks hugo
    i should contact my host tech support
    and tell me how to protect my site from hacker ?
    please tell me i know this is silly question but now i want to protect my site
    thanks for help advance



    @websitevala start off with hardening your WP installation before activating BuddyPress

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