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Update Cover Photo is leading to 404?

  • maryanshap


    I can’t change the cover photo either to delete the current one. When I click on “Update Cover Photo” I’m getting the following error:
    It looks like nothing was found at this location. Go Back or Maybe try a search?”

    When I’m trying to delete the cover photo in small red box I’m getting this message “Invalid request try again later.”
    What should I do? 🙁

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  • pjbarry21


    I’m running into this same error when trying to delete the cover photo. Any luck with this?

    I’m pretty sure this worked before — not sure if an update was done on a plugin that may have changed this. Or the BuddyBoss theme?



    To know if it is the current theme, try with one of the Twenty theme.
    To know if it is a plugin, deactivate all except BP. If no error, reactivate one by one until you find the culprit.

    A good idea would also be to activate wp_debug in wp-config while testing/debuging.

    If this doesn’t work, deactivate and reactivate BP and save your permalinks again.

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