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Update Labels on Nouveau

  • @rsmithgs


    Hello guys,

    I’m trying to change the labels in a few different areas, specifically the Member’s Directory placeholder text and the Compose a Message label “Send @Username” under Profile>Messages, but I’m finding that there isn’t really an easy way to do this in Nouveau. I’m also having a tough time figuring out where to change the template. I tried this post (making the .POT file).

    But the text isn’t within the language file, it only contains the text from the legacy theme.

    I’ve gotten the membership placeholder text to be changed by writing a custom js file, but trying the same thing for the “Send @Username” label does not always work correctly.
    Here is my current code:

        $('#dir-members-search').attr('placeholder','Search members by name, discipline, position, etc....');
        //currently doesn't work. Change Compose Label for Who to send to.
        $("#send_message_form label[for='send-to-input']").text('Send to User by Username (starting with @)');

    I’d much rather not have to change the text after document.ready because it loads and the user can see the original text for a bit before the text changes.
    When the user clicks away from “Compose” and back to it, the text doesn’t always show my replacement text.

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  • @rsmithgs


    I found that if I made this file directory in my theme (as per Theme Compatibility Codex) I could resolve the issue with the Compose field:


    So for anyone else looking for messaging template changes. It’s located in:


    Anyone looking for the search field for members list, it’s located in:


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