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Update Notification With Using Ajax

  • @dono12


    @slaffik is it possible to add ajax to update notifications when the user marks them as (Read, Unread, Delete) oppose to the page refreshing.The only way it seems for the notification count to go away is by page refreshing or visiting another page. The same situation for all notifications, like Friend Request and Messages. I see you posted a link to the Beta 2.8.0, I was wondering if this was addressed, didn’t see it in the list of updates.

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  • @madmansam


    @dono12 I’m experiencing the same browser behavior, and it would be a better UI for notifications if we were to add AJAX and a batch (read/unread) feature would be great too.

    Or is that open to use something like wp-api for buddypress to solve this.
    How did you solve this?

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