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Update time shows 8 hours ago on new posts

  • @jimmygibbs


    Hey! I’m having a problem on my BP site. Every time a user updates their activity the time starts counting from 8 hours, so if 5 minutes passes since I post an update it will show 8 hours and 5 minutes ago, is this a bug? Thanks πŸ™‚

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  • @jimmygibbs


    Anyone know anything about this?



    Have you set your timezone correctly in the WordPress settings? I’m just wandering if that’s set to a different timezone to the one you expect?



    Hey, thanks for the reply, I did try changing the time zone, it didn’t work and I don’t think it has to do with this because its counting from the moment a post is made like this “5 minutes ago”, like in this forum, except it starts counting from 8 hours, so if I made a post now it will show that this post was made “8 hours ago”, 1 hour later it will show “9 hours ago”

    Thanks πŸ™‚



    Any help will be appreciated!




    have you tested with only WP and BP ?
    Do you use a translation fileΒ  ?
    Do you use a child theme or a third party theme ?

    Seems that somebody somewhere confused a zero and eight.
    And for sure, it’s not in WP or BP πŸ˜‰



    Hey, no I haven’t tested it in a new WP installation, I know the problem is most likely only in my installation. I don’t use a translation file. I use a BP theme from ThemeForest, do you think this may be causing the time problem? I just need to know which file I need to edit to replace the 8 with 0,thanks πŸ™‚



    I mean’t tested with WP and BP default theme and only BP pluigin activated. Not necessary a new install…

    FYI, TF themes are not all performant at least…. and it is very very possible that the error comes from your theme or a conflict with a plugin.

    Anyway,this couldn’t come from WP or BP, because this forum would be full of your same question. And you’re the only one here to claim about this… So, the truth is elsewhere ! πŸ˜€


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