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Update to Buddypress 10.0.0 – No media in Groups

  • @werny


    I noticed that after updating to Buddypress 10.0.0 there will be no media displayed in my groups anymore. The link also vanshed completely in the submenu of every single group.
    So I downgraded to Buddypress 9.1.1 and it worked again.

    I am using Gwangi for Buddypress as theme.
    Maybe you can fix that?

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  • @windhillruss


    I can confirm that this is an issue using the rtMedia plugin! Tested on three themes and the Media Tab disappears from the Groups menu. Rolled back to 9.2 and all is ok. Logged this as a bug and also pointed it out to rtMedia. We’ll see how quickly someone sorts this out as it is fairly important!



    Update: rtMedia have replicated the issue and fixed it with an update release imminent!



    Oh that is nice. So I can’t wait to get the new version rtMedia



    Well, Buddypress AND rtMedia made an update to their plugin, but still it is not working.
    Any idea what is wrong here?



    Still no update from RT Media…
    My Groups still have no Media Link and so NO Photos



    Now that is Weird! The update from rtMedia worked for me! This may seem silly but sometimes its the obvious things that we overlook… have you checked the rtMedia Settings… Allow Media in Groups just in case its off before you investigate further?



    Well sure I have checked that!
    But I have no Media Link in my groups.
    I am using rtMedia 4.6.10.



    rtMedia 4.6.10 for me too. Buddypress 10.1.0 and wordpress 5.9.1 You too?



    Yes, that’s correct! Updated all to the latest versions!
    But it still does not work



    How frustrating! Which theme are you using?



    Gwangi from Themeforest



    Have you got another theme loaded that you could switch too in the Live Preview Customizer to see if its Gwangi thats the issue?



    Well I do not want to switch the theme, since I have many users online all the time
    and I am afriad that afterwards some things will not work correctly anymore



    Totally understand your concern. Just suggesting you do a Live Preview with another free theme that you could install such as BuddyX and test it without publishing! Nothing will change on your live site!



    I found this post of rtmedia.
    But I do not understand it:

    We have solved the issue already and it’ll be released soon with a new version. Here is the PR you can follow or implement the fixes on your site manually:

    I hope this helps.



    That was the fix that was incorporated in the latest rtMedia release!



    Just discovered something when I updated to version 8.0 php… the media tab disappeared! Switched it back to version 7.4 and the media tab came back! So, somethings are not ready for version 8.0 php. Hopefully your Hosting Provider (mine is Bluehost) has a cPanel and you can find the MultiPHPManager where you can check/change php version



    Wow that’s amazing!
    This really helped me out!
    Switching back to php 7.4 made it work again!

    Thanks a lot!



    My Pleasure! Only found it out when trying out another Theme! Seems not every theme developer is ready for 8.0 php!



    Well. Next Problem:
    My host said I HAVE to update my PHP to 8.0 and guess what:
    The media button is not there again in my groups!!

    And now what???

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