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Upgrade/backup/large site size questions

  • @photodesign


    Hi all. First please forgive the ingnorance soon to be displayed. And now:

    I’m going to try to upgrade to the lastest WPMU and BP. I’m currently running pre 2.7.1 and BP 1.0.1.

    So when I go to backup the current /community directory from which I’m running, I find it is quite large – nearly 140megs, with about 138,000 files in over 1000 folders. I was shocked at the size, frankly, and much of it seems to be cache files.

    1) Do I need to back all of this up before the upgrade?

    2) Will this contunue to grow if I keep caching turned on, or is the size of this self limiting, somehow?

    3) Is this unusually large?

    4) What will I lose dumping these files? Site speed? Actual user data?

    5) I haven’t even looked at the db size – I assume the db should be backed up before any upgrades?

    Thanks in advance. Perhaps there is nothing of note here, but I don’t want anything to go haywire, esp. with this much data.

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  • @andrea_r


    You shoudl back it all up, yes. But you don’t necessarily need to ftp it down to your computer. I normally make a copy of the folder right on the server.

    If you are double-sure you have cache files, you can clean them out. What are you using the cache? Because wp-super-cache has a cleanout button back there on the admin screen.

    It’s not unusually large, no, dpeending on how may users and/or visitors you have. Lots of users, lots of hits, means lots of cache files & loads of upload files if they like to post pics to their blogs like you’re Flickr. (Hi mom!)

    Yes, you’ll want to backup the db as well. Optimize those tables, and if you’re really feeling frisky, clean out the spam.

    Remember that with the BP upgrade, the theme changes location. The MU part should be smoother.

    Pick a time when your site traffic is low, like the weekend.



    Thanks so much.

    I’m using the object-cache.php file from Donncha as the only caching that I’ve installed. This seems to be the much of the space – If I drop these, will performace be slower, or will data be lost? Would you suggest the wp-super-cache instead?

    I don’t have many blogs – one, basically, (the main BP blog, but it has 10,000 posts, but they’re not really posts, long story). It’s a complicated integration where I’m using BP for the community side of a larger site with 123,000 members migrated into WPMU/BP.

    There isn’t much spam do deal with, thankfully.

    Thanks again for the info.



    IME, using wp-super-cache, it creates flat html files on the server. if those are deleted, they get regenerated again. When you remove cache files, performance takes an initial hit until the cache is built up again.

    But even outside that – the number of posts & users make it a big job. :)



    Thanks for the info.

    With the tweaks I have in place (a few core changes even), I’m thinking of setting up a second install of WPMU and BP and a separate database, just to test our modifications on the latest versions, just so there are no nasty surprises and the site won’t be offline longer than need be. I may keep this running in parallel, testing the new upgrades, making changes, them moving it over. See any problems with something like this?



    Nope, sounds like a good plan.

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