If you’re like me, and did not do a DB backup because you thought the upgrade would be smooth sailing (d’oh! thankfully this was only on a test install!), do the following:
1. Revert the $blog_ids variable in the bp_blogs_record_existing_blogs() function in bp-blogs.php back to this:
$blog_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT blog_id FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}blogs WHERE mature = 0 AND spam = 0 AND deleted = 0" ) );
2. Then put this line in your theme’s functions.php:
3. Go to your BP’s blogs directory and see your blogs repopulate.
4. Once you’ve verified that your blogs are back, remove the bp_blogs_record_existing_blogs() function line from your theme’s functions.php
so is $current_site->id a WP3.0 thing? – obviously the sql statement pulls in nothing after the truncate.
Well I can’t get the one user blog created on my wp 3.0 to show despite adding the rows to the table, the main blog is visible though and is by default the front page. I would bear in mind that to some extent WP.30 + BP 1.2.4 is likely prone to teething issues. Best go back over the posts in this thread and follow the guidance in them again?
@nuprn1 – $current_site exists in WPMU 2.9.2. Not sure why $current_site is not doing anything in the bp_blogs_record_existing_blogs() function.
@hnla – See if the blog has a user attached to it. If it doesn’t, assign a user to the blog as an admin.
@r-a-y what file are you referring to with that sql query earlier as at the moment each deactivation reactivation of BP simply wipes the reset fields in that table.
Users seem correct.
tbh I’m not prepared to waste too much time on this as it was only out of curiosity and I hadn’t intended trying to work WP 3.01 and BP 1.2.4 until both were at stable releases
@hnla – Sorry I forgot to write that the sql query in the previous post refers to bp-blogs.php.
@r-a-y ah thanks I’ll give that a shot, but reverting the changes after successful completion will just produce the same issue if one dectivates/reactivates BP or am I thinking that through incorrectly (guess I’ll know after running it
@r-a-y yep works beautifully and of course one doesn’t remove the amended sql query just the function call in functions.php.
to fix the problem in the new download the only change is the $blog_ids variable?
BP has just been tagged and fixes the missing blogs issue:
Thank you. Updated from 1.2.4 to, deactivated and reactivated it, and now the problems have gone away 
The $current_site check was put into 1.2.4 when it was meant for 1.3.
It’s been reverted for
Hi Guys,
That’s good news re: I haven’t installed it yet as I managed to fix my major issues beforehand thanks to the helpful folks on this thread.
There are some not quite major issues left however (re: widgets – see below). Does include fixes for the widgets too? If not I’ll wait for now.
Widget Problems:
User Blogs – Groups Widgets – No avatars. According to Firebug, default avatar blanks are being retrieved from Gravatar.com instead of actual group-avatars from the internal folder ‘group-avatars’. Also none of the links ‘Newest’, ‘Active’ or ‘Popular’ work. They all return a 404 Error. I re-saved the ‘Permalinks’ pages for the individual Blogs which often helps with other 404s but alas, not these ones. Individual Group Name Links work ok though.
User Blogs – Members Widgets – Shows avatars ok but has the same issues with ‘Newest’, ‘Active and ‘Popular’ links returning a 404 Error.
Primary Blog – Everything seems to work fine there. All Group Avatars appear where they should (including in the Groups Widget), and ‘Active’, ‘Popular’ and ‘Newest’ links work ok too.
Stephen G
PS: Just to follow-up on the above…I have now installed BP – (24 May 2010)
The above issues remain. fixes blogs, but not all.
Also link from nickname and avatar of any user on the user profile page goes to your profile page.