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Upgrading to 1.1-beta breaks Atahualpa blog theme

  • Moving my original question on the 1.1 Upgrade Topic to a new topic.

    Before The Upgrade:

    I have a 2.8.4a install with 1.0.3 BP and Atahualpa 3.4.2 WP theme for the blogs. I used the bp-default theme for BP before the upgrade.

    After Upgrade:

    I upgraded BP to 1.1Beta, deleted the old bp-themes, and moved the 2 new bp-default and bp-sn-parent folders to /themes/

    Question: Can a WP (non BP) theme be used in the new 1.1 architecture the way I used it in BP 1.0.3 ? Specifically, can Atahualpa drive the look-and-feel of both blogs and buddypress pages?

    Background Info:

    My issue is similar to @driz’s (

    1. When I activate my Atahualpa theme in Appearance>Themes, and then go to Buddypress>General Settings, I get the message: “You do not have any BuddyPress themes installed. Please move the default BuddyPress themes to their correct location (move /…/html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ to /…/html/wp-content/bp-themes/) and reload this page.”

    I can still see my main blog (with the Atahualpa look), but when I choose to open /members or /groups etc, I get redirected to Home.

    2. When I activate bp-default in Appearances>Themes, the message in Buddypress>General Settings disapears, and I see my main blog styled with the default BP look, but obviously I don’t have my customized look-and-feel anymore I had with atahualpa.

    How do I make atahualpa work again? Can it be done at all with the new 1.1 architecture ?

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    You would need to add a line to the style.css of your Atahualpa theme, cross your fingers, and hope for the best. :)

    In style.css for Atahualpa, somewhere in the comments section where the theme name, author, and uri are, put…

    Template: bp-sn-parent

    That will tell WordPress to fall back on bp-sn-parent when Atahualpa doesn’t have files of its own to use. It’s still not a 100% fluid process, because the parent theme has its own CSS that it needs and uses to function and look the part. You can @import the style.css for bp-sn-parent and see if that helps at all too.



    I am using Atahualpa also, I tried the Template: bp-sn-parent thing in the style.css of Atahulpa but no go.

    I was able to get it to work by adding all of the directories (folders) from the bp-sn-parent theme to the Atahualpa theme. Also I could not @import the style sheets for the adminbar.css, but if you paste the css from both adminbar.css (parent and default) into the css section of Atahualpa’s ‘Add HTML/CSS Inserts’ then the theme works.

    I have not yet figured out how to get the user menus for MEMBERS GROUPS BLOG ect.. to show. Any help with that would be appreciated.



    I’ll be writing up a “how-to” on using WordPress themes with BuddyPress very soon. What you have described is one way of doing it if the “template: bp-sn-parent” does not work.

    To get the user menus you can add these lines to the bottom of your header.php:

    <?php if ( !bp_is_blog_page() && !bp_is_directory() && !bp_is_register_page() && !bp_is_activation_page() ) : ?>
    <?php locate_template( array( 'userbar.php' ), true ) ?>
    <?php locate_template( array( 'optionsbar.php' ), true ) ?>
    <?php endif; ?>



    You could use the following setup:

    – Leave Atahualpa without modifications, or with subtle modifications like the code from Andy.

    – Modify the bp-sn-parent style.css to make it a child of Atahualpa. Remove files present in Atahualpa from bp-sn-parent ( in particular header.php and footer.php, you decide if you want to remove single.php, index.php, etc ).

    Now choose the bp-sn-parent as your theme. This should let you have a very basic integration of both themes.

    Probably you will have problems with some pages, specially group pages. Applythe patch in this page to solve the problem:

    thanks a lot guys, i will try that the first thing tomorrow

    just wanted to share the status of this.

    I tried both mrmail’s and Detective’s approaches and got a partial success. My main blog looks as it used to, but the BP pages are not styled properly (I guess it’s because both Atahualpa and BP have different widget areas). The 997 patch did not help much unfortunately.

    In the end I decided to run BP on a different blog and keep my main blog on Atahualpa. This setup does work style-wise, but there are a couple of bugs to fix in the core members and group widgets. I entered them in Trac (



    Using an existing WordPress theme will require work on your part. WordPress themes are designed for blogs, not for all the extra features that BuddyPress offers. You will be able to integrate the header and footer and overall look and feel, but specific features will still need CSS styles.

    Thanks Andy, I just wanted to clarify that instead of integrating the Atahualpa theme with BP I decided to keep them separate for the time being and install Buddypress on a different blog within the same WPMU install. This way the two do not conflict and I can use the new BP theme architecture without tinkering with the source files. I will create CSS styles for Buddypress to match my web site’s look, but that should be pretty straightforward. Atahualpa offers significant customization capabilities (e.g. creating your own widget areas, split columns, etc) and I wanted to keep them until BP has similar features.

    This setup actually works except a few minor issues with BP member and group widgets that I wanted to use on my main (non-BP) blog. The issues weren’t there in 1.0.3 – hopefully they can be fixed at some point.

    I am liking my Buddypress-powered portal more and more :)

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