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Upload avatar after activation

  • @threwthenevr


    Here is what I’m am trying to do.

    User registers on the homepage.
    User is redirected to the check email for activation page.
    User clicks activation link.
    User is redirected to the activation success page.
    On step 4, I’m either trying to add a 5th step redirecting to a custom avatar upload page.

    I know how to redirect to a page but I have no idea what code to copy over from BuddyPress to that blank page.

    Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

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  • @henrywright


    I did a quick search and found Buddypress Upload Avatar Ajax. Not sure if it helps?



    Thank you for the reply.
    Unfortunatly thats not what i was trying to do.
    Here’s what iv done so far.

    I created an empty file in /kleo-child/buddypress/members/single and named index-action-change-avatar.php

    in /kleo-child/buddypress/members/single/index-action-change-avatar.php i’ve copied/pasted the content of the bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/profile/change-avatar.php template.

    added get_header(); before the pasted content and get_sidebar(); & get_footer(); after it.

    I then copied the code fron change-avatar.php and pasted it to my newly created page(Avatar Upoload).

    it works but it has some template issue.
    not sure how to fix that yet but im still searchng, the actual upload and crop part im sure to have issues to sort out there as well.

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