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Uploaded Buddypress avatars not visible throughout site

  • @jeffthink


    Uploaded avatars on my site are going into their directory (`wp-content/uploads/avatars/`) successfully, but are not visible throughout the rest of the site. Wherever the avatar should appear, the default user photo shows up instead (`wp-content/themes/wp-framework/library/images/bp-avatar-user.jpg`).

    I’ve found where the avatar image is being generated (the `bp_core_fetch_avatar` fn in `wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php`) and what’s outputted there is correct. So somewhere from that method to the time it displays, Buddypress is deciding to show the default image instead. Permissions on the directory are 755 so that should be ok. Obviously, I’m either missing something (a `.htaccess`?) or my php configuration is not correct on the shared server? Any advice is much appreciated.


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  • @mercime


    == Uploaded avatars on my site are going into their directory (wp-content/uploads/avatars/) successfully, but are not visible throughout the rest of the site. ==

    WP/BP versions? What theme are you using? Have you checked if the avatars which you mentioned are going into their directory are something like e.g.:
    If not, is GD library installed in your shared hosting server?



    The avatars are being created with the format you specify: “2be8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-bpfull.jpg” and “2be8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-bpthumb.jpg”, however, in trying to download/view them, something seems off. Their sizes are 6K and 2K which seem too small, and I’m having a problem downloading them via FTP, even though they have adequate permissions. Perhaps the images are being created, but not correctly?

    Our host does have gd enabled (v 2.0.34), and our WP/BP versions are: 3.4.2/1.6.1

    Thanks for the help



    == Their sizes are 6K and 2K which seem too small, and I’m having a problem downloading them via FTP, even though they have adequate permissions. ==

    The sizes are just about the same as what most installations have. Why you’re having issues downloading those images, beyond me – internet connection issues maybe at the time you were downloading the images? Have you tried changing bp-default theme and check if avatar issue is corrected.



    OK, so re-installing the default buddypress theme worked. I had tried switching back to the default from wp_framework theme before, and that didn’t seem to work. Took full on re-install of buddypress theme. Also, still doesn’t work with wp_framework, so will go looking for another theme instead that does work. Thanks for the help.



    == . Also, still doesn’t work with wp_framework, ==

    @jeffthink You’re welcome. Glad you finally resolved this issue :-) WP Framework theme has not been updated for some time and should not be used with current BP/WP versions.

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