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URGENT Help Needed Pls – BuddyPress Profile Comments not working and Template Issue

  • @scorpiion4984


    First of all, I love BuddyPress. It suits my site and needs perfectly. I have integrated it into my custom theme and all is working great accept for the following:


    When trying to post a status update on the activity tab, it works fine, however when putting a comment to an update, it simply goes to a “Page Not Found” page.


    On the Homepage of my site,, there are two widget sidebars. Now when you view a BuddyPress Profile, Activity, Messages and Friends tab, the contents from the left widget are below. I need to get rid of this on these pages. Please note that the widget does not appear on the “Members” list page.

    I ran the BuddyPress template conversion plugin and this is how things ended up.

    My website address is and is still currently being completed, but is due to be released to the public in the next 36hrs.

    Here are the answers to the required support questions:

    1. Which version of WordPress are you running?


    2. Did you install WordPress as a directory or subdomain install?

    It is installed in a directory.

    3. If a directory install, is it in root or in a subdirectory?

    Not sure but the directory is named /main

    4. Did you upgrade from a previous version of WordPress? If so, from which version?


    5. Was WordPress functioning properly before installing/upgrading BuddyPress (BP)? e.g. permalinks, creating a new post, commenting.

    Yes it was all working fine.

    6. Which version of BP are you running?


    7. Did you upgraded from a previous version of BP? If so, from which version?


    8. Do you have any plugins other than BuddyPress installed and activated? If so, which ones?

    Yes. Listed below:

    Event Espresso
    Dynamic Step Process Panels
    iQ Block Country
    MSI Engine WP Plugin Engine
    Notification Bar
    Role Manager
    Smart Social
    Social Slider
    Simple Email Ticket Support System
    Wordpress Database Backup
    WordPress Importer
    WP Premium Members
    WP Pro Ad System

    9. Are you using the standard BuddyPress themes or customized themes?


    10. Have you modified the core files in any way?


    11. Do you have any custom functions in bp-custom.php?


    12. If running bbPress, which version? Or did your BuddyPress install come with a copy of bbPress built-in?


    13. Please provide a list of any errors in your server’s log files.


    14. Which company provides your hosting?

    Digital Pacific Australia

    15. Is your server running Windows, or if Linux; Apache, nginx or something else?


    I hope I have supplied everything that is needed to help fix this.



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  • @mercime


    Getting the following message when I go to your main site:

    Forbidden – Users from your country are not permitted to browse this site.

    What theme are you using? Check if it’s listed in this page with the solution to BP template compatibility –



    I have disabled the country block



    No its not in that list



    Re: issue with commenting on posts in activity stream:
    Have you tried changing to bp-default theme to check if the issue is corrected? If not, deactivate plugins except BuddyPress as well?

    Re sidebar below content area:
    In order to assist you in making BP template files compatible with the HTML structure of your Fullscreen theme: Open up your Fullscreen theme’s header.php file, copy all code, paste all to, click submit and post the generated URI here. Do the same for your theme’s index.php, page.php, sidebar.php and footer.php files.



    Ok I just test the comments with the BuddyPress Default 1.5.5 Theme and the commenting worked.

    header.php –
    index.php –
    page.php –
    sidebar.php –
    footer.php –



    == Ok I just test the comments with the BuddyPress Default 1.5.5 Theme and the commenting worked. ==

    @scorpiion4984 So this means that there is something – theme/plugin – which is conflicting with the JS of BuddyPress for the activity comments. One way to check is deactivating other plugins except BuddyPress and changing to Fullscreen. If activity commenting still works, activate plugins one by one to check which is the culprit.

    Re: BP template HTML compatibility issues
    – Code to index.php you posted above is that of BuddyPress templates’ /blogs/index.php. What I need is the code for your theme’s fullscreen/index.php
    – Code to footer.php is blank
    – Your layout is 3 column in , Just to let you know that you might need a wider area for the BuddyPress content like members and group pages, etc. ==> like a layout with 2 column or a full-width layout instead? Up to you though.
    .- Also, please confirm, your theme is Fullscreen from Graph Paper Press.



    Ok I will try that to see if it fixes the commenting issue. Will let you know.

    New index.php –
    New footer.php –

    Buddypress has already made itself wider when it comes to its modules, while the rest of the site is working using the theme.

    This is the theme I purchased



    Update @mercime

    I switched off all plugins besides the BuddyPress and BuddyPress Template Pack and the comments still dont work. It must have to do with my theme so its ok I will disable Activity as its not a major issue.

    Still need the second issue resolved though please :D



    @scorpiion4984 – you have two options listed below – because of page title. With option 1, the page titles in the BP template files won’t be changed to h1 and will not get the styling from your theme (but you could address this via stylesheet yourself). With option 2, you can get this h1 but would entail a lot of revisions which you would have to keep in mind and redo when you update BuddyPress/BP Template Pack:

    1. Create only two files, header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php and upload to server wp-content/themes/fullscreen
    2. Download 6 BP template folders from your fullscreen theme folder in server to your computer hard drive and change 16 template files then upload 6 folders with 16 revised files to your fullscreen theme folder.

    I would choose #1 :-)



    @mercime Thanks :-)



    As agreed to above, we will create two new files, header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php to make your WP theme compatible with BP

    IF you’ve revised any of the BP template files transferred to your fullscreen theme folder in server during the BP Compatibility process, please delete the 6 BP folders transferred to your evolution theme folder in server – activity, blogs, forums, members, groups, register – then re-run Appearance > BP Compatibility again to make sure that you have clean template files.

    A. Copy header.php and Save As > header-buddypress.php

    Open up header-buddypress.php and at the bottom of the file, below other code contained within, add this:

    <div class="box-center pgsize2 “>

    /* Title page */
    $queried_object = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
    if ( $queried_object->ID == get_option( ‘page_for_posts’ ) ) {
    $current_id = get_option( ‘page_for_posts’ );
    } else {
    $current_id = $wp_query->post->ID;
    $page_hide_box = get_post_meta( $current_id, ‘page_hide_box’ );
    $page_hide_box = trim($page_hide_box);
    if($page_hide_box != ‘yes’){
    print ‘


    $page_hide_title = get_post_meta( $current_id, ‘page_hide_title’ );
    $page_hide_title = trim($page_hide_title);
    $page_alternative_title = get_post_meta( $current_id, ‘page_alternative_title’ );
    $page_alternative_title = trim($page_alternative_title);
    if($page_hide_title != ‘yes’){
    echo ‘

    ‘; the_title(); echo ‘

    } else if($page_alternative_title != ”){
    echo ‘


    } else {
    echo ‘



    Save file.



    B. Create a BLANK sidebar-buddypress.php file

    Open up the blank sidebar-buddypress.php and add this:

    jQuery(document).ready( function() {
    if ( jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).length && !jQuery(‘div#blog-details’).hasClass(‘show’) )
    jQuery( ‘input#signup_with_blog’ ).click( function() {



    That messy text inside `

    ` and closing `

    ` is `& # 9 6 18 ;` – remove spaces between numbers and character

    Save file.

    C. Upload header-buddypress.php and sidebar-buddypress.php to your theme folder in server wp-content/themes/fullscreen/ at the same directory where your regular header.php and sidebar.php are in

    Final note: Copy the style modifications for some BP elements at and paste those at the bottom of your theme’s stylesheet, then adjust to taste.

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