@jrzwv Some of the issues associated with using premium framework themes is that there are more chances of plugin conflicts and that we have no access to the theme. Good thing is, you should be able to get free support for your premium theme.
Change your theme to Twenty Fourteen. If the issue is resolved with the change, then please contact the theme author about the conflict with BuddyPress plugin.
I’m working with the same issue with the u-design theme and the comment button, did you figure anything out?
10 years, 8 months ago
whenever i click on comment it does nothing, then i installed BuddyPress Like luckily for me my comments started working but my homepage slider stopped showing and it also affected some function of my theme in the backend, so i had to deactivate it which makes my buddypress comment button to stop working. i noticed my theme which is u-design caused it but i cannot change my theme again as i have done much work it please i need help. thanks in advance