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User registration emails not being sent

  • @imbehindyou


    Can’t figure this out.. driving me crazy! I noticed earlier last week that no registrations have been coming through on my site recently.. looked today and saw a bunch of users hadn’t been activated – tried to register & never got the activation email. :O

    running: WordPress 3.4.2 (Multi-site Mode / Network) Buddypress 1.6.1 theme: bp-corporate (wpmu theme)

    I’ve tried disabling all the plugins (including buddypress) and the emails still don’t get sent (with the default bp theme & without).
    I’ve tried using the default buddypress theme.
    I’ve re-installed buddypress.
    I’ve replaced my theme “register page” code entirely with the default buddypress “register page” theme code.

    It was working last week. I’m godaddy shared hosting and haven’t had this issue before so I doubt it’s the hosting.

    I did install “bulletproof security” recently, clicked around , and then deleted plugin later because it was messing up the “sub-sites” on the network.

    Any ideas?

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  • @themightymo


    Troubleshoot using

    If things were working last week and they aren’t working now, then something must have changed. Usually this issue is caused by bad MX records, but it could stem from 100 other things.

    It wouldn’t hurt to check with GoDaddy.

    Also try using and sync it up with a Gmail account.



    checked with godaddy – they said it’s not on their end..

    tried both plugins + many more… still nothing



    Hmmm… Usually the wp-mail-smtp plugin does the trick for me.

    The next step I would take would be to load the site up locally and see if mail sends. If it does, then you know your problem is GoDaddy.



    check your .htaccess for changes made by Bulletproof Security plugin.

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