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User Roles

  • @garynagel


    This is an extension from this post but its getting buried and I thought to repost my issue I was experienceing from the get go not as a subissue on another post.

    I’ll try to explain my issue better I am testing buddypress for a school program and I need Super Admin (tech guy) and Admin (it trainers) Authors (teachers) to be able to create blogs, However there is not option to limit only admins and Authors to the create a blog option.

    Say Im a teacher and I ad a student in my blog as a subscriber

    that kid could now create a blog and it auto makes him an admin of a new blog

    I need to be able to restrict subscribers and editors from the create a blog option but allow Super Admin, Admin, and Authors access to the create a blog.

    I don’t wish to give any Teachers super admin access that would open up trouble in itself.

    I can do a workaround and just configure the menu to not show the creat a blog option and create a link in side bar on the dashboard for Admins and Authors but that is really not the proper way to solve this.

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