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User/Member Management

  • thealchemist


    Here’s my problem right now. I have WP+BP-based site. I soft-launched to a select 100 or so friends. 75 started the process. Of those, a large-ish number did not get the activation email and did not complete the sign-up process.

    The ONLY way I know this is from the few that reported they did not receive the activation email and have asked me to resend – which there is no way of accomplishing this simple task. AND counting the number of users in the admin panel USERS and comparing it to the BP Site Stats plugin that counts the active users.

    Should not the Admin–>User area include some indication whether a user has been “activated” or not? AND give us the opportunity to “Re-Send Activation”? Seems like a logical management tool.

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  • Hello
    I have the same issue. I would like to know if it’s possible to send a new mail with the confirmation link. Or it’s possible to valid manually one user ?
    Thanks !

    Anybody ? I need help… My users are not happy :(



    have they checked their junk mail / spam folders?
    If your users aren’t happy about this, just wait until they start using it – lol it’s a crude work in miserable progress imho – the signup issueS are just the beginning. I would consider buddypress more of a hobby thing for those who want to spend long hours in multiple forums trying to hash out why everything does not work well together. You will find spam robots have no problem signing up and activated dozens of accounts daily. Once your users actually get activated they will have a great time trying to sort out real blog posts from spam, they may wish they never signed up in the first place – especially if they create their own group.

    You do not answer my question …
    It is possible manually resend the message? It can be validated by the admin manually?
    The subjective responses of the merits of wordpress is not useful …
    Management accounts BuddyPress if you can not do that is not terrible in this case … There is a plugin to do what I want?



    @Djsteve Did we jump off the happy truck today? My site is using WP+WPMultiSite+BuddyPress and a dozen or so plugins and, personally, everything seems to be running rather smoothly. Yes, there are a few disconnected pieces here and there – but I have PAID for scripts and plugins that ended up having as many problems if not more.
    And yes, user management and no connection to Akismet or an ability to put CAPTCHA into the signup form seems like an obvious gaffe but …
    I wish users would remember to check spam/junk folders but that’s a people issue outside of our control.
    I am fairly certain that Akismet will be connected in v1.3.
    @mateko No. At this time it is NOT possible to resend activation emails to BP members and nor can admins manually activate members from the console.
    I have not tried it yet, but you may try deleting a member from admin and telling them to re-register and watch the junk folder.
    Hopefully these issues will be addressed in v1.3

    Thanks !

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