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Username vs profilename

  • @terjemk


    Hey guys.

    Now this has really got me baffeled and I can`t get my hrad around it nor find a solution. I have a membersite with about 500 members and the fact tha buddypress uses both a username and a profilename makes things messy. the @username is what is referred to in the system when it comes to messaging etc but the profile name shows when users interact in chat and in forum.

    How do i set up the system so that ONLY username is used throughout the site?

    And is there any reasonit is set up this way?


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  • @danbp


    Try this plugin:

    For the “why”, perhaps it is because “chat” and “forum” have their own logic. Both aren’t part of BuddyPress.
    Note also that there is no obligation to use all the things appearing on the templates. If you don’t want them, symply remove or hide them.

    For example, the names who appear on profile header are effectively different. Why would you need to use both, that’s nonsense! I guess this is only in so you can choose which one is better for your project. And it is so because (probably) it is better and easier to choose between something you see thant between something theoretical exposed or detailed in code comments…

    Note that my remark concern only the appearence, not the internal fonctionality of username vs.displayname or nicename.

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